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I. A Blockhead
II. At Night
III. From One Who Stays
IV. Grotesque
Duration: 16′
Instrumentation: flute, Bb clarinet, violin, violoncello, percussion, piano, soprano Written in memory of Henry Bass, commissioned by Sue Bass
I. Igor’s Barber
II. Chorale
III. Common Ground
IV. Emerging Luminous
Duration: 15′
Instrumentation: flute, Bb clarinet, bassoon, French horn, violin, violoncello Written for Norman and Jeanne Fischer
I. Past and Present
II. Rock’s Cradle
III. Cycles
IV. Cliock Track
Duration: 22′
Instrumentation: violoncello, piano I. Prelude
II. Fugue
Duration: 4’30”
Instrumentation: violin, violoncello, piano Written for Ken Burns
I. Prelude
II. Fugue
Duration: 4’30”
Instrumentation: violoncello, piano Written for Ellen Highstein, commissioned by the Tanglewood Music Center
Duration: 5′
Instrumentation: oboe, two C trumpets Written for Yevgeny Kutik
I. Yablochka
II. Song of the Volga Boatmen
Duration: 5′
Instrumentation: violin, piano Written for Min Kwon and the America / Beautiful Project ‐ e pluribus unum
Duration: 4’15”
Instrumentation: piano Libretto by Jill Peláez Baumgaertner
Duration: 26′
Instrumentation: flute, oboe, horn, harp, 1-perc., string quartet, contrabass, mezzo-soprano, baritone Texts by Mark Twain, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Alexander Posey
Duration: 9’30”
Instrumentation: string quartet, piano, harp, four vocal soloists (S.MS.T.Bar.) Commissioned by the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival
Duration: 17′
string quartet: 2 violins, viola, violoncello Commissioned by New England Conservatory in celebration of its 150th anniversary
Duration: 4′
4 C-tpts, 4 hns, 3 tbns (3rd is b-tbn), tuba, perc (4) Commissioned by Yevgeny Kutik
Duration: 8′
violin solo Commissioned by the Atlanta Chamber Players
Duration: 7′
piano solo Commissioned by the Tanglewood Music Center in honor of its 75th Anniversary Season, with generous support from friends of Anthony Fogg, in memory of his mother, Marie.
Duration: 9′
soprano voice (solo), three female backup singers, 2 C-tpts, tbn, pno, cb (acoustic amplified), perc-2 Commissioned by the National Flute Association for the 2014 NFA Piccolo Artist Competition.
This commission was made possible in part through the royalties from the NFA’s publication of John Krell’s Kincaidiana.
The NFA gratefully acknowledges the generosity of Mary Krell.
Duration: 8′ Commissioned by James Gorton and Gretchen Van Hoesen for Heidi Van Hoesen Gorton.
Duration: 9′ Commissioned by the Avian Orchestra
Duration: 10′
fl, Bb cl, vln, vc, pno, perc Commissioned by the Concord Chamber Music Society
Duration: 22′
vln, Bb cl, pno Commissioned by the Atlanta Chamber Players
Duration: 15′
ob, vln, vla, vc, pno Commissioned by the Rivers School Conservatory
Duration: 7′
fl, vln, vc Music to join with computer animation by Jonathan Bachrach
Commissioned by the Barlow Endowment for Music Composition at Brigham Young University
Duration: 14′
fl, bcl, vln, vc, pno, prc Commissioned by the James Pappoutsakis Foundation
Duration: 8′ Commissioned by the New Gallery Series
Duration: 12′
ob, vln, pno (four-hands), prc Commissioned by Vento Chiaro
Duration: 6′
fl, ob, Bb cl, hn, bsn Music to join with computer animation by Jonathan Bachrach
Duration: 7′
fl, Bb cl, vln, vc, pno, prc Commissioned by the Weilerstein Trio
Duration: 18′
vln, vc, pno Commissioned by the St. Botolph Club for the Boston Symphony Chamber Players in celebration of the Club’s 125th anniversary
Duration: 20′
cl, hn, bsn, vln, vla, vc, cb Video by Ean White
Commissioned by the Catherine and Paul Buttenwieser Foundation for Collage New Music
Duration: 10′
fl, ob, cl, hn, vln, vla, vc, cb, pno, prc Funded by FleetBank Celebrity Series for Sergey Schepkin
Duration: 5′
piano solo Music to join with six films by Pamela Larson
Funded by Harvard University ‘First Nights’
Duration: 8′
cl, vln, vc, pno, prc Funded by the Shakespeare and Company, Lenox, Massachusetts
Duration: 18′
fl, ob, cl, hn, tpt, 2 vlns, vc, cb, pno, hp, prc Words by Dana Bonstrom
Commissioned by the Elaine Kaufman Cultural Center (NYC)
Duration: 30′
fl [pic], cl [Bb, A, bcl], vlns, vc, pno, prc, narrator (media coming soon)
Commissioned by Elizabeth Ostling through a grant from the Fromm Foundation
Duration: 17′
fl, pno Commissioned by the Core Ensemble through a grant from Meet the Composer
Duration: 17′
vc, pno, prc Commissioned by the Boston Musica Viva
Duration: 12′
fl, Bb cl, vln, vc, pno, prc Duration: 7′
harp solo Commissioned by Parnassus (NYC)
Duration: 20′
fl, ob, cl, bsn, vln, vla, vc, cb, pno (Concerto for flute and chamber ensemble)
Commissioned by the Koussevitsky Music Foundation
for flutist Peggy Friedland and the Griffin New Music Ensemble
Duration: 21′
flute solo, 2 vlns, vla, vc, cb, hp, prc Commissioned by William Matthews
Duration: 15′
guitar solo Duration: 11′
fl, hp, prc Commissioned by Speculum Musicae, Sonor, the San Francisco Contemporary Music Players
through a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts
Duration: 20′
fl, ob, cl, hn, vln, vla, vc, cb, pno Commissioned by Parnassus (NYC)
Duration: 14′
fl, ob, cl, vln, vc, cb, pno Written for my sister Jodi Gandolfi
Duration: 5′
piano solo Duration: 12′
vln, vla, vc Written for Peggy Friedland
Duration: 8′
flute solo