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Lowell Songs (2025)
(media coming soon)
Texts by Amy Lowell
In loving memory of Joyce Linde for Collage New Music 50th Anniversary Commissioning Program
I. A Blockhead
II. At Night
III. From One Who Stays
IV. Grotesque
Duration: 16′
Instrumentation: flute, Bb clarinet, violin, violoncello, percussion, piano, soprano

Cantata: 'Where can I go from your spirit?' (2020)
(media coming soon)
Libretto by Jill Peláez Baumgaertner
Duration: 26′
Instrumentation: flute, oboe, horn, harp, 1-perc., string quartet, contrabass, mezzo-soprano, baritone

In America: TLI (2019)
(media coming soon)
Texts by Mark Twain, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Alexander Posey
Duration: 9’30”
Instrumentation: string quartet, piano, harp, four vocal soloists (S.MS.T.Bar.)

The Rehearsal (2019)
(media coming soon)
Text by Lloyd Schwartz, adapted from John Harbison’s ‘What Do We Make of Bach?’
for Emmanuel Music in honor of John Harbison’s 80th birthday
Duration: 6′
Instrumentation: SSAATTBB/pno

In America (2018)
Commissioned by the Tanglewood Music Center in honor of Leonard Bernstein’s 100th birthday
Duration: 33′
Instrumentation: 3[3.pic,alto]3[3.Eh]33[]/4331/tmp+4/hp/pno/str
six vocal soloists (S.MS.A.T.Bar.Bass)

Carroll in Numberland (2015)
(media coming soon)
Texts by Lewis Carroll
Commissioned by the Tanglewood Music Center in honor of its 75th Anniversary Season, with generous support from friends of Anthony Fogg, in memory of his mother, Marie.
Duration: 9′
soprano voice (solo), three female backup singers, 2 C-tpts, tbn, pno, cb (acoustic amplified), perc-2

Chesapeake: Summer of 1814 (2013)
Compiled texts and storyboard by Dana Bonstrom
Commissioned by the Reno Philharmonic Association in commemoration of the writing of the “Star-Spangled Banner” by Frances Scott Key in 1814
Duration: ~28’
Instrumentation: 2[2.pic]2[]22[]/4221/tmp+3/hp/SATB Chorus/str

Only Converge: An Exaltation of Place (2012)
I. Chicago, Summer of ‘62
II. Millennium Rising
(media coming soon)
Text by Dana Bonstrom
Commissioned by the Grant Park Orchestral Association for the Grant Park Orchestra & Chorus; Carlos Kalmar, Principal Conductor; Christopher Bell, Chorus Director
Duration: ~27′
Instrumentation: 3[3.pic]3[3.Eh]3[3.bcl]3[]/ Chorus/str

Winter Light (2011)
I. Snow
II. Fire and Ice
(media coming soon)
Texts by Amy Lowell
Commissioned by San Francisco Choral Artists
Duration: 9′
Instrumentation: SATB chorus and string quartet
(also available for other instrumental ensembles)

Q.E.D.: Engaging Richard Feynman (2010)
I. On Waking
II. Song of the Universal
(media coming soon)
Texts compiled by Dana Bonstrom
Commissioned by the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Robert Spano, Music Director
Duration: 25′
Instrumentation: 3333/4331/tmp+3/hp/pno./SATB Chorus/str

The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation (1998)
(media coming soon)
Text by Nahum Tate
Commissioned by Naomi Gurt Lind
Duration: 7′
soprano, piano